
Liposuction is a cosmetic surgery operation allowing a reshaping of the silhouette by the suction of rebellious and deep fatty deposits resistant to slimming regimes.

Liposuction is a cosmetic surgery operation allowing a reshaping of the silhouette by the suction of rebellious and deep fatty deposits resistant to slimming regimes.

During a person's natural physical development, the number of fat cells in the body increases proportionally. Once development is complete, the number of cells actually remains constant even though their volume may increase, resulting in weight gain on the body mass index.

Liposuction involves the suction of excess fat out of the body through special channels or absorption through the use of specially prepared injections. The excess fat is safely and comfortably removed with this method.

Today, new methods more comfortable for the patient requiring minimal surgery are replacing traditional liposuction. Today, laser liposuction represents a leap forward, because it uses a different technology, more advanced than suction. First, the liposuction area is marked by a specialist doctor with a special marker and the target is determined. Once the area has been identified, the procedure begins with the laser.

Liposuction involves the removal of fat from specific areas of the body through large channels. This method unfortunately results in gaps in the skin and contour problems. It is for this reason that laser lipolysis (SlimLipo) is used in our hospitals and medical centers instead of conventional liposuction.

The use of laser energy has been shown to interrupt the normal functioning of fat cells and dissociate them. In addition, the results show that the laser energy stimulates the dermis and promotes the production of collagen and elastic fibers.

Reasons to have laser lipolysis
Laser lipolysis (SlimLipo) is a very effective way to remove stubborn areas of fat (and fat cells) that remain despite diet and exercise. More than the elimination of fat, the basic principle of the procedure is the elimination of fat cells. What's more, the procedure also stimulates the production of collagen, which makes it appear more educated and younger.

Laser lipolysis (SlimLipo) is used for three main purposes:
Remove regional fat to reshape the body
Stretch loose skin
Used on the pits of the arms to prevent sweating.
age rangeApplicants must be in good health. Laser lipolysis is not a solution for weight loss in obesity. It is used to eliminate pockets of fat that accumulate in certain areas of the body and disrupt the body's natural circulation to create smoother contours and a more proportional appearance, without overall weight loss.

One of the criteria for the ideal candidate is the characteristic of the skin. The younger the candidate, the better the results. It is usually necessary to subject candidates with low skin elasticity after removing excess skin to a firming procedure.

Type of anesthesia and length of the procedure
The operation is performed in an operating room under local or general anesthesia, depending on the region of the body being operated on. The duration of the procedure depends on the number and size of the areas operated on.

Payback period
At the end of the procedure, the operated areas are bandaged and this bandage remains in place for 4 to 5 days. The first dressing change is usually done on the third day. At first, there may be an amount of bruising and swelling, but they will quickly decrease on their own. On average, you can return to work 3 to 7 days after the operation, depending on the number and size of the areas operated on. It is necessary to wait 3 months to see the full results of the procedure.

Things to pay attention to post-surgery
Avoid sports and strenuous physical activity for 3 to 4 weeks after laser lipolysis.
You must wear a compression bandage and the corset provided by the doctor for the specified period to allow your skin to adjust to its new softness.Patients are advised to avoid salt, sugar, and oils / fats while following a protein diet and drinking plenty of water after the operation to reduce swelling faster.
As with all methods, it is possible to recover fat in the operated area. It is impossible for the body to replace the fat cells that are removed, but the volume of the remaining fat cells may increase if the patient consumes more calories than necessary. Patients are advised to exercise and reduce their food intake to maintain the results of the procedure.


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